
The wood-burning oven in our bakery has the expertise of 300 years of craftsmanship. The Heuft family from the Rhineland, Germany, seventh generation of stove builders, assembled it over four weeks from the famous Beller tuff and tailored it exactly to our needs. Tuff, a volcanic rock, stores heat so well that it has been used in oven construction for many centuries. When we decided to make our own bread at the Casa Caminada, the decision to use this wood stove was made quickly. On one hand, because of the tradition of bread making and on the other hand because of the special aroma that the direct firing of the stove gives to the bread. Of course, you can't simply switch on a wood stove at the push of a button. You have to know how to use it and feel when the right moment has come to start baking. Here - and in many other questions about bread - the Zurich baker and entrepreneur Jens Jung has rendered us valuable services. We share his passion for sourdough bases, long pastries and untreated flour.